Thanks Radio Geronimo for the show shows on Shortwave we will always
think of you. Peace in peace my friend
I have just heard from Peter Verbruggen of FRS Holland that my long time friend and colleague at Geronimo Shortwave, Chris Watson, (real surname Regan) has passed away at home in France last Wednesday 28th December.
Chris was involved in shortwave free radio for over 30 years, operating Radio 48 in the 80's, and then Geronimo Shortwave from the 90's through to last year. He had a passion for shortwave and even though it became more difficult for him to broadcast via his own transmitter in more recent times due to his domestic circumstances, he kept Geronimo Shortwave going through various relay stations.
I worked alongside Chris since the 80's when I was operating Radio Apollo International on shortwave, often running both stations from the same woodland either in Staffordshire, Worcestershire, Herefordshire or Wales. He and his wife Pat became firm friends. The last time I met him was about 4 years ago on one of his occasional visits back to the UK when he helped me out with some shortwave aerial problems. I still continued recording shows for Geronimo until a couple of years ago when my work on the Prog Mill took over more of my radio time, but he was always supportive of that and my continued shortwave work with FRS Holland and was in touch as recently as October.
Chris was a true stalwart of shortwave free radio, with a genuine passion and enthusiasm which never dimmed. Shortwave will certainly be worse off for his absence.
Rest in Peace Chris. And may that big transmitter in the sky get a SINPO of all the 5's!